Power Staple Gun

Who Invented the Power Staple Gun?

The answer to the question "who invented the power staple gun?" can only be answered once you understand the evolution of the original stapler and how this affected the eventual design and use of the staple gun. It all began in the 18th century when a man named George McGill decided to do away with traditional methods of attaching papers together and decided to construct a device that could be used to do this quickly and efficiently.

King Louis XV and his Staple Gun

So who invented the power staple gun? The invention of the average stapler began in the 18th century and it was a gift for the King of France- King Louis XV. The monarch would use the stapler to attach paperwork together, quickly and efficiently, but the design of the staples was so handy that the evolution of this invention would not stop there; it would continue to be redesigned, until the stapler as we know it today, arrived.

The Benefits of the Stapler

A stapler has many benefits because of the unique shape of the staples themselves. Once the original stapler has been developed, there were a few men who saw the benefits of this device being used in the industrial setting and so they began to design a device that would withstand use on harsh materials, such as wood and plastic. It would be many years after George McGill designed his own stapler before the staple gun would come into being.

The Man who Invented the Staple Gun

When a man named Albert G. Juilfs decided to build and patent the first staple gun, little did he know his invention would go on to be used in almost every workshop around the country. Juilfs and his partner, who invented the staple gun along with him, patented the design of the device at the U.S Patent Office November 23rd, 1949 before delivering it an automotive company to be renovated. Once the final product was completed, Juilfs and his partner went on to manufacturer and design more of them items and the staple gun’s popularity soared soon afterwards.

Purchasing a Modern Staple Gun

The man who invented the power staple gun would be proud to know how many suppliers and manufacturers now stock and sell these items to the general public. You can purchase a staple gun anywhere between $23 and $209 from manufacturers such as Tooled Up, The Nail Gun Depot and Global Industrial.

Choosing your Own Staple Gun

Before you purchase one of these items, you will need to determine what type of features you want included in the gun and the purpose for which you are going to be using the gun. If you are going to be using one of these items to assemble furniture, for instance, you will need to purchase one specifically designed for these types of jobs. A staple gun that is flexible and can get into hard-to-reach places is the perfect option for constructing furniture. If you have a different intention for the staple gun, however, you will need to make sure you purchase the appropriate item to complete the job.  

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